
In addition to advocating for the adoption of the technologies included on this page, the Setnor Covid Technology Working Group is committed to providing support resources for faculty and students in using the technology. However, please note that we are all full-time faculty teaching full-time loads in the midst of a pandemic. So, it is incumbent upon all users to first pursue solutions themselves to issues that may arise.

The adopted technologies were chosen in part based on their ease of implementation. We think you’ll find that the Tascams work well out of the box. And Source-Connect, once the software is installed, is also easy enough to use. So for most users, we think you’ll be able to take advantage of these technologies without any need for help.

Your first step for support is to review the materials above, in the support menu. For students still needing support, please contact your department chair. For faculty still needing support, please contact your point person using the list below.

MUI & SRTJames Abbott
Ensembles & ConductingJohn Coggiola
AppliedDavid Knapp
MUEJohn Coggiola
Composition & TheoryNatalie Draper
Support for Faculty

Additionally, we will be providing training and support sessions in the coming weeks for the Tascams, ProTools, and Source-Connect. Please stay tuned for this schedule of sessions.